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Create Lake Atitlan Indigenous worker owned co-op to create and sell Lake Atitlan Composting Toilets to save the environment

Create Indigenous Worker-Owned Business

The Final Phase


The final phase of this project will be to create a sustainable worker-owned co-operative business that will provide well-paid meaningful work for local indigenous Guatemalans. Worker owners will fill all roles including manufacturing, delivery, installation, education, sales, outreach, and management. It will be especially important for many of these responsibilities to be carried out by local people who can speak the indigenous languages fluently, who are intimately familiar with the culture, and who are trusted and respected by locals. That said, we understand that this business will require ongoing accompaniment from consultants, especially in its early years. While the primary goal of this project is to eradicate disease and suffering resulting from contaminated water, there will be many secondary benefits including the provision of gratifying dignified well-paid work for local indigenous Guatemalans.



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The best way to clean up a mess is not to make it in the first place. Rather than replicate the mistakes of the developed world, the developing world can do better.


La mejor manera de limpiar un desastre es no hacerlo en primer lugar. En lugar de reproducir los errores del mundo desarrollado, el mundo en desarrollo puede hacerlo mejor.

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