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Students building Lake Atitlan Guatemala composting toilet prototype

Build Prototype

Prototype Development and Construction


Under the supervision of teacher/engineer Daniel Radin, Guatemalan students are building the first prototype toilet. This first model will be constructed of corrugated cardboard and then coated in fiberglass. It will be a working model with all of the needed components including mixing impellers, pressurized air injection, active ventilation, and superhydrophobic surfaces. The design will be continuously refined as prototype construction continues. The finished prototype will be installed and tested in one of the school bathrooms.


The next incarnation will be more organically shaped and cast from a custom mold. Small parts will at first be fabricated by hand, then using a 3-D printer, and finally from recycled plastic garbage using the techniques described on the Precious Plastic website.




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The best way to clean up a mess is not to make it in the first place. Rather than replicate the mistakes of the developed world, the developing world can do better.


La mejor manera de limpiar un desastre es no hacerlo en primer lugar. En lugar de reproducir los errores del mundo desarrollado, el mundo en desarrollo puede hacerlo mejor.

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